Home Int'l CooperationIRDR ICoE-Taipei

Call for Papers: JDR Special Issue on “ICoE Taipei Integrated Research on Disaster Risk 2022”
Call for Papers: JDR Special Issue on “ICoE Taipei Integrated Research on Disaster Risk 2022”



IRDR ICoE Taipei was established as an integrated research program for Disaster Risk Reduction that is co-sponsored by the International Science Council (ISC) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). It is one of the 18 ICoE members in the IRDR community, and also the first to be established in 2010. ICoE Taipei specializes in regional development, seeking to facilitate scientific activities through geographically-focused contributions and more localized community outreach. It focuses on capacity-building and collaborative research, aiming at enhancing local disaster risk reduction capacities in a decentralized manner through the establishment of knowledge-based actions, e.g. training workshops, in the Asia Pacific region. As an international platform, ICoE Taipei established a partnership network of interdisciplinary DRR-related fields and strengthened international collaborations, particularly for younger/early-career scientists.

With more than a dozen international training workshops (AI, Advanced Institute) organized in the past decade, ICoE Taipei has received hundreds of participants around the world. We thus intend to encourage the participants of each AI, in particular those who have been awarded to conduct a one-year Seed Grants project following an AI, to publish the results of their studies on the topics related to DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction). We work with the Journal of Disaster Research (JDR), a peer-reviewed open-access journal based in Japan, which has already approved this IRDR ICoE Taipei publishing project.

Aims and Scopes:

The purpose of the JDR-ICoE Taipei Special Issue is to address the importance of DRR-related issues. Submissions should be original and unpublished. Possible topics for manuscript include, but are not limited to:
- Natural and man-made hazards and vulnerability (geological, meteorological, hydrological and marine, lifeline,
environmental, etc.)
- Disaster risk reduction, mitigation, and social resilience strategies
- Risk governance, e.g. early warning and monitoring systems, educational outreach
- Disasters associated with climate change and climate risk assessment
- Emerging risks

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

<> Deadline for submissions: 30th September 2022. Papers submitted in advance of the deadline will be reviewed
as they are received and will be published online as a contribution to this special issue.

<> The submission of manuscript should follow the formatting guidelines of the Journal of Disaster Research:

<> All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers and selected based on their originality,
significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation.

<> Papers must be submitted electronically to JDR via email (disaster@fujipress.jp) with submission form (Word
Form: https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fujipress.jp%2Fmain%2Fwp-content%2Fthemes%2FFujipress%2FJDR%2Fms_word%2Fjdr_submissionform.docx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK), with Special issue title “Integrated Research on Disaster Risk "

<> Any questions about scientific issues should be sent to the guest editors or JDR Editor-in-Chief:
- Jian-Cheng Lee (IRDR ICoE Taipei): jclee@earth.sinica.edu.tw
- Hongey Chen (NCDR, Taiwan): hchen@ncdr.nat.gov.tw
- Haruo Hayashi (Editor-in-Chief of the JDR, Japan): haruohayashi@bosai.go.jp
- Submission-related questions should be addressed to Chichi Peng (Editor assistant):