Home Int'l CooperationIRDR ICoE-Taipei

參與「1st Workshop to Strengthen Scientific Advisory Capacities for Disaster Risk Reduction」

This workshop was held in Bangkok, Thailand on August 25-26, 2016. The year of 2015 is a milestone in the history of disaster risk reduction with the adoption of a global framework for action – the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which calls for a stronger mobilization and application of science in decision-making and practice and for increased international scientific cooperation. This workshop aimed at strengthening scientific advisory capacities on disaster risk management within each country, sharing experiences among different cultures, and supporting the interface between IRDR and policy platforms in charge of disaster risk reduction. This workshop was co-organized by Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) International Program Office (IPO), National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), and International Council for Science (ICSU) Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) with the collaboration of IRDR ICoE-Taipei. As the representatives of IRDR ICoE-Taipei, Prof. Shih-Chun Candice Lung and Dr. Chia-Hsing Jeffery Lee attended this workshop with more than 40 experts and government officers from a total of 16 countries who shared their knowledge, experiences and ideas. There was a consensus that the communication between science and policy to strengthen science-policy linkage is critical, scientific advisory capacity is needed, and a key person who is willing to and is able to improve the science-policy linkage needs to be found or assigned for each country. A long-term framework of science-policy linkage should be established. In addition, the organizing team of the Workshop decided that the next workshop will be hosted in Taipei, Taiwan in middle of January, 2017.
