Home Int'l CooperationIRDR ICoE-Taipei

Advanced Institute on Knowledge-based Actions for Disaster Risk Reduction (AI-KBA)

The 2017 Advanced Institute on Knowledge-based Actions for Disaster Risk Reduction (AI-KBA) was successfully held at Academia Sinica in Taipei on 17 – 21 April 2017. It was sponsored by the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk International Centre of Excellence, Taipei (IRDR ICoE-Taipei) in partnership with ICSU ROAP and National Science and Technology Centre for Disaster Reduction (NCDR), Taiwan. 16 participants from 8 countries from the Southeast Asia region participated in the workshop. The main objective of the workshop was to provide the participants with the best practices, enhanced understanding, skills, and practical knowledge to apply systems approaches on DRR knowledge-based actions, based on the successful experience of the flagship project.
