Home Int'l CooperationFuture Earth Taipei

Webinar Series on Global Sustainability - Sustainable Education in the Digital Age

Successfully Held~  

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76 participants from 13 Countries (Argentina, Canada, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, & Vietnam)

.Working Group on 'Sustainability in the Digital Age' (SDA WG) of Future Earth Taipei 
.Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub Taipei 

Date and time:
10:00-12:00 March 25, 2022 (Taipei, UTC+8)
Meeting Platform: WebEx
Online Registration:
https://reurl.cc/xOK8vL (Closed)

Speakers and contents:

Prof. Stephen Yang will address that in the digital age, when developing technology, we also need to reflect on the impact of ethics and social changes on education. How to consider the development of science and technology, social changes, and educational value? How to guide stakeholders to meet the challenges of sustainable education from the technical, social and educational aspects? How to develop the most effective education and training strategies for stakeholders? And how to incorporate ethical considerations such as equality, fairness, trust, transparency, and safety in the design stage?

Prof. Hiroaki Ogata will address that the Japanese government expects to launch 15 “International Leading Research Projects” in 2023, each with a total funding cap of 500 million yen over seven years, to support international joint research. The Japanese government will make every effort to promote the development of world-leading research and international joint research platform through research conducted by Japanese researchers and top overseas researchers, to nurturing young Japanese researchers’ ability to play a central role in international research in the future.

Prof. Owen Lu will address that applying ESG analytics technology to essay grading. Including how to use natural language processing technology to analyze corporate sustainability reports and media news? How to use the publicly available data from Fortune 500 companies as the training dataset and develop ESG rating prediction algorithms based on MSCI 35 key issues? How to use all essay papers as the training set, extract key issues through machine learning, and then compare the degree of relevance between the content of essays and the key issues with calculating the grades?



楊鎮華教授將說明,數位時代下,當我們在發展科技的同時,也需要反思倫理與社會變遷對教育的影響。如何兼顧科技發展、社會變遷、與教育價值? 如何引導利害關係人,從技術、社會、教育等面向應對數位時代下永續教育的挑戰? 如何為利害關係人制定最有效的教育和培訓策略?以及如何在設計階段融入平等、公平、信任、透明、安全等倫理考量?

緒方広明(Hiroaki Ogata)教授將說明,日本政府預計在2023年啟動15個 “國際先導研究計畫”,每一個計畫在7年內總資金上限為5億日元,以支持國際聯合研發平台。日本政府將推動全球領先研究的發展,透過日本研究人員與海外頂尖研究人員的前瞻性研究,建立國際聯合研發平台,培養日本年輕研究人員未來在國際研究中發揮核心作用的能力。

呂欣澤教授將說明,應用ESG數據分析技術到論文批改。包括如何使用自然語言處理技術分析企業永續報告與媒體消息? 如何以MSCI 35 key issues為標準,透過Fortune 500企業的資料,訓練出一套ESG rating預測演算法? 以及如何將ESG分析技術應用在論文自動批改,以論文做為訓練集,透過機器學習歸納key issues,再比對論文內容與key issues的相關性算出成績?
