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【2022 Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Science 3️⃣】Children Health: from the Perspectives of Soil Heavy Metal Exposures and Family Conditions
The growth and development of children is based on their physical and mental health in the early stage. In particular to infants and preschoolers, the developments during these stages are vital for health and social matures in the subsequent adolescents and adults. Hence, studies of children health are both science and social science studies. In this short talk, Dr. Fan will talk about the children health from two different perspectives. First, she will talk about both noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of 8 heavy metals in farmland soils for children. Second, she will talk about the impacts of family conditions such as socioeconomic, parental stress, or family environments on children health.


兒童的成長與發育建立在早期的身心的健康發展,以嬰兒與學齡前時期 (0-6歲) 為發展之關鍵時期,影響後續青少年與成年身心健康以及社會化的發展。因此,探討孩童的健康發展結合自然與社會科學之研究。本次短講分別從不同角度切入,分別探討學齡前兒童暴露於農業土壤中八大重金屬汙染之致癌與非致癌健康風險,以及家庭狀況 (如社經能力、父母親親職壓力、家庭環境狀況等) 對孩童之影響。


講 者 Speaker: Dr. Yen-Tzu Fan 范晏慈 (Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Public Health, Taipei Medical University)

主 持 Host: Dr. Chih-Da Wu 吳治達 (Associate Profrssor, Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University)

日 期 Date: 25th March 2022 (Friday)

時 間 Time: 16:00 - 17:00 pm (GMT+8)

地 點 Venue: Virtual 線上 (Link will be sent after registration 報名後另外通知視訊連結)

語 言 Language: English 英文



