【Special Session ⭐️ 2022 ECRs in Sustainability Science 14】Just transitions in Japan - Insights from the local to the global
Japan is a high-emitting nation which has faced criticism, both domestically and internationally, for slow progress on emissions reduction – especially when it comes to fossil fuel power generation. Whilst the country has unveiled ambitious plans for a net-zero transition through offshore wind, solar and hydrogen, there are emerging concerns about the impact of this transition on the workers and places who currently rely on high-emitting sectors for jobs and economic benefit. This talk will outline the importance of a place-based just transition for Japan, by looking at how carbon-intensive jobs and also net-zero innovation opportunities are distributed across regions of Japan. Based on an intensive study carried out over 2021-22, the talk argues that attention to building capabilities at local government level – and to ensuring benefits from new net-zero infrastructure accrue to the communities that are located nearby – is crucial for a just transition in Japan. Implications for Taiwan and other locations globally are also discussed.
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Guest speaker
⭐️ Dr Leslie Mabon is a Lecturer in Environmental Systems at the Open University in the United Kingdom. He is interested in the societal aspects of sustainability and resilience transformations in coastal regions in particular, and has a research interest in east Asia as well as his native Scotland. You can read more about his research at resilientcoastal.zone or on Twitter @ljmabon.
The Just Transitions in Japan report which Leslie will present in the session is online, in summary and full form, at:
⭐️佐々木 晶子 Akiko Hiratsuka-Sasaki is a research management officer at the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO). Her research focus is on sustainability and justice issues with a local lens, especially on a just transition and its impact on local governments. She was a visiting research fellow at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) in 2019–2021 and at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in 2021. During that time, she has conducted research on the experiences of transitions in the Japanese cities that were developed by the coal and steel industries and its relevance to the current just transition movement. Besides, she is currently involved in research projects on international city networks and climate justice as well as marine plastic issues in Asia. Before joining IDE-JETRO, she worked as a rural planning consultant for municipalities in Japan. She holds B.A. in Public Administration (International Christian University, Japan) and M.Sc in Spatial Planning (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden).
⭐️趙家緯 Chia-Wei Chao received his PhD degree in Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering from the National Taiwan University in 2013. His research focus are sustainability transition and industrial ecology. Dr. Chao has been actively involved in the climate and energy policy since 2007, to provide evidence-based policy suggestion for environmental NGOs. Taiwan Environment and Planning Association is a newly found environmental NGO, the main task is to establish a transdisciplinary platform to maximize the synergies between ecosystem service and renewable energy development.
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講 者 Guest Speaker: Dr. Leslie Mabon (Lecturer, Environmental Systems at the Open University, UK)
主 持 Host: Dr. Wan-Yu Shih 石婉瑜 (銘傳大學都市規劃與防災學校副教授)
與 談 Discussants:
Ms. Akiko Hiratsuka-Sasaki (Research Management Officer, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO))
Dr. Chia-Wei Chao 趙家緯 (台灣環境規劃協會理事長)
日 期 Date: 17th August 2022
時 間 Time: 16:00 - 17:30 pm (GMT+8)
地 點 Venue: Virtual 線上 (Link will be sent after registration 報名後另外通知視訊連結)
語 言 Language: English 英文
Register 👉 https://pse.is/4dwzhr