A just transition is essential for attaining sustainability in the process of urban transformations to a low to zero carbon future, as is highlighted in the latest IPCC report. Although there is an imperative to mainstream just transitions into multiple aspects of urban development for a more equal and inclusive society, it is an emerging area for both academics and policymakers. In particular, it can be challenging for emerging economies, which still heavily rely on fossil fuels and have political pressure to support strategies for social and economic growth.
In response to this pressing issue, the urban group of Future Earth Taipei, together with Future Earth Urban Knowledge-Action Network, will host “the 2023 International Symposium on Just Transition toward De-carbonized Urban Systems" at Academia Sinica, Taipei, in February 2023. Five sessions: Spatial Planning and Governance; Built Environment and Energy Transition; Urban Transit and Social Exclusion; Green Spaces and Climate Injustice; and Income Inequality and Justice are arranged to facilitate discussions and build an interface for scientists and policymakers.
Do you have relevant work? Would you like to present that work as part of one of the outlined sessions above? Then, We welcome researchers in associated fields, particularly from the Asia-Pacific, to join this symposium as a presenter of one of the sessions. This will offer a window for you to connect to world-leading urban scientists around the world via Urban KAN. To express your interest in participation, please fill in this form.
submit your info here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeJnxXl6om_BHY-BJTXeOIuKJ9DL9mkNXDFnqAkfh0cszH_Q/viewform
Registration will be open until (Fri) Sept 30th, 2022, at 8 AM UTC. (deadline has been extended to Oct 31)
Results will be notified in October 2022.
Inquiries: urban@futureearth.org
Organizers: Urban Group of Future Earth Taipei, Future Earth Urban Knowledge-Action Network, and Centre for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica